What's in Your Attic?®

Noises in your attic

Determining whether there’s something in the attic is fairly straightforward, but identifying which animal it is is made easy with our handy resource below. Most animals that seek shelter in attics are looking for somewhere to give birth to their young, thus identifying these issues early on can save you from dealing with an entire infestation. Did you know rats, mice, and squirrels are responsible for up to ¾ of the animal entries into homes in Ft. Worth—and across the nation? So how can you know which animal is which? Read more below:

Rodents in the Attic

One of the most common home intruders, mice, and rats are notorious for making nests in the attic. Common signs of rodents in the attic are scratching, squeaking, and chewing sounds—all in proportion to their size. Did you know that rats' vocalizations are not usually at frequencies humans are able to hear? That means if you are hearing vocal noises, it is likely mice. Another vocal noise you will likely hear from mice is high-pitched chirping. These noises—along with the scratching—will be most common at night, as most rodents are nocturnal. 

When rodents are in the attic, they will make a mess of your insulation. They will tear it for the bedding and burrough in it to keep warm. While they are running through your insulation, they will leave behind droppings and urine. This mess from rodents lingers after the animals are gone, and compounds the longer the rodents are in the attic. 

Rodents are always looking for a food and water source, so keep an eye out for rodents in the main levels of your home as well. You might notice their presence by oil marks along the baseboard, droppings in the cupboards, or strange odors in your home. Rodents reproduce quickly, so if you suspect they have taken a liking to your home, give our team of professionals a call today. 

Squirrels in the Attic

  • The most frequently reported noise associated with squirrels overhead in homes is scurrying and scratching. Another noise unique to squirrels is "barking" which sounds similar to a dog bark. 
  • You may also hear rolling noises—this is the squirrels moving their hard-earned nuts, acorns & more. 
  • Squirrels can also be responsible for scraping or rubbing noises as they interact with objects. 

Another tip for identifying which critter you are dealing with: squirrels are one of the only wildlife animals that are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day—unlike their relatives, mice and rats.

If you suspect squirrels in the attic, it's important to the safety of your home to have them removed right away. Squirrels like to chew, and not only will they chew your insulation, but they will chew the wiring in your home. Exposed wiring is a fire hazard. If you do hear critters in the attic during the daytime, give our office a call. We will safely and humanely remove the squirrels in the attic and prevent them from coming back!

Bats in the Attic

Bats are quite small compared to other attic visitors like raccoons or skunks. Typically on the quieter side, bats are known to make noises like scratching as they cling to walls and beams. The vocal noises bats make in attics are similar to mice—squeaking at night and in the early hours of the morning. They are often high-pitched and bright, regardless of the bat's age. You might also hear a slight fluttering from bat wings. Bats are nocturnal, so any noises you hear from them will likely be after the sun sets.  

When you have bats in the attic, you have a problem that will reproduce quickly. When bats live in a group, they are generally all females. This means that when mating season comes, the bat population in your home will double as each of the bats have offspring. If left unattended for multiple seasons, the bats can cause a lot of damage to your home. 

Bat droppings left behind spread diseases. If you find bat guano in your home, do not touch it. It is likely full of diseases and has probably already attracted bugs, which can make you and your family very sick. A common disease spread by bat guano is Histoplasmosis. 

The easiest way to know if you have bats in the attic is to watch the outside of your house at night. You will see them flying in and out, usually from the attic vent. There are special laws surrounding bat removal, so if you do suspect a bat problem, call the professionals at Wildlife X Team® Fort Worth. We will humanely remove the bats and ensure they do not come back. 

Raccoons in the Attic

The largest attic visitor that you are likely to experience is the raccoon. Their most common noise is thumping, and you might even mistake it for a human, which can be frightening. Raccoons are also quite verbal, with a range of noises especially when they have babies. It has often been reported to sound like crying, both high-pitched (babies) and low (adult raccoons). 

Raccoons in the attic cause quite a lot of damage because of their size and dexterity in their paws. Raccoons will rip off vent covers, they will tear apart insulation, and leave a latrine in the attic. They will also use your attic to have their babies. If a raccoon has their babies in your attic and you remove the parent raccoon without the babies, the mother will create even more damage trying to get back into your home. 

If you hear thumping in the attic at night, it's best to have your home checked for a raccoon invasion. Give our team a call before they do more damage than necessary! 

Birds in the Attic

Birds are another common animal to have in your Fort Worth attic. They can easily make their way inside if your attic vent isn't properly secured. You will know you have birds in the attic if you hear flapping, vocal noises, or thumping in the daytime hours. While also diurnal, birds sound different from squirrels. You will likely hear the thumping on the walls instead of the floor, and bird songs are easily recognizable. 

If there are birds in the attic, they will make nests and leave behind droppings. If left unattended, they will have their babies in the attic which extends the problem. Like other animals, the faster you can have the birds removed, the less damage they will cause. 

Skunks in the Attic

We all know that skunks can make for a stinky neighbor. Skunks are fairly independent animals and therefore seek an isolated and cozy area to nest, like your attic. Compared to many other wildlife critters, skunks are fairly quiet, but they are able to vocalize. Skunk noises often sound like squealing, screeching, or hissing. Their long claws also create a tapping noise on hard surfaces.

No matter what strange noise is in your Tarrant County home, it's important to get it removed to prevent further damage. If you hear any of these suspicious sounds in your attic, give our team of wildlife experts a call. We will evaluate what animal has made their home in your attic and remove the problem safely and humanely. We will then seal the area to keep wildlife from returning so you don't have to face the problem again in the future! Contact us today.